Design support for the PALLAS medical isotopes reactor

Location Pallas

The project

Work is underway in Petten on the new medical isotopes reactor, the PALLAS-reactor, which is set to replace the existing High Flux Reactor. On behalf of the Argentinian company ICHOS, Iv is providing design support during the preliminary and detailed engineering phases and will develop a large number of design work packages. In addition, Iv is also preparing the contracting for the implementation and commissioning.

The challenge

Designing in the nuclear sector means meeting the high safety requirements associated with the field and complying with (inter)national safety requirements and the Nuclear Energy Act. Iv has had to pay special attention to this during the design process and the development of the work packages. In addition, extensive knowledge and experience of systems engineering is required.

The impact

The design of the PALLAS-reactor is an example of sustainability and digitally integrated design. Worldwide, 30,000 people depend on Petten to produce medical isotopes every day. With these, patients can be treated and examined with radioactive substances in hospital nuclear medicine departments. As a top global producer, the PALLAS-reactor contributes significantly to nuclear medicine and research.

Curious about the possibilities for your project?

Ralf, managing director Industry, would be delighted to discuss this with you! Get in touch via +31 88 943 3700 or send a message.

Send Ralf a message
Ralf Ohm