ProRail manages an extensive railway network of 7,000 kilometres, supporting more than 1 million passengers and more than 6,500 train journeys daily. To continue to ensure smooth operations, ProRail is working with Geodan, RPS and Iv in the GRIP consortium. Over the next eight years, this consortium will gather and maintain the necessary information. RPS is responsible for cadastral data and mapping, Iv is responsible for collecting geodetic data and absolute geometry, and Geodan is responsible for geomathematics and absolute geometry. “Working with these parties will enable us to understand our assets better and plan maintenance more effectively, reduce disruptions and better control maintenance budgets,” says Roelof Boekhold, Geo Product Manager at ProRail.
The implementation of a European safety system, new noise reduction requirements, environmental impact analyses and rail risks are some of the challenges facing ProRail. In addition, a key policy focus of ProRail is to increase the frequency of trains on the same lines. This requires an understanding of where this can be achieved without compromising quality and safety. The drive for innovation and improvement is a key aspect of ProRail’s data strategy. Currently, ProRail carries out five rail mobilisations a year using helicopters. However, these are extensive and costly operations, and the data collected is not always current. Therefore, using drones for data collection is an attractive option.
The collection of data is essential in order to link it to the specific challenges and objectives of ProRail and achieve real progress. If ProRail knows exactly what assets it has and their condition, contractors can access the correct information more quickly to analyse and perform maintenance. ProRail already has a wealth of data and is on the right track in making this information accessible and available, but it wants to work more effectively and systematically. The GRIP consortium is helping ProRail to achieve this. Initially, GRIP will focus on recording the registration of ProRail’s assets in the area. After this, the consortium will work on improving data quality. GRIP thus plays a crucial role in the daily exchange of information on infrastructure projects between ProRail and its contractors. When all the data, such as that from the railways, has been combined, it will be possible to create digital twins. Based on such models, ProRail can use artificial intelligence to predict changes in the railway system based on real-time data. This allows different maintenance scenarios to be developed, leading to more effective management and maintenance solutions.
Arno, managing director of Asset Management, would be delighted to discuss this with you! Get in touch via +31 88 943 3200 or send a message.