The Province of Noord-Holland is responsible for approximately 270 traffic control systems (VRIs). The arrival of intelligent traffic control systems (iVRIs) offers new opportunities to improve road safety, traffic flow and CO2 reduction.
How do iVRIs fit into policy plans, and how are objectives achieved effectively? Iv advises road authorities from policy to purchase, installation and management of iVRIs with specialist traffic engineering expertise. Iv maps the added value of iVRIs by translating policy principles into requirements and usage scenarios. We guide the procurement process, monitor work activities and design iVRIs based on policy objectives for traffic flow, road safety and the environment. Traffic management includes monitoring, optimisation and cyclic management of iVRIs.
Through Iv’s expertise, road authorities can gain insight into the added value of iVRIs and implement them effectively in policy and practice. This can improve road safety and traffic flow and contribute to reducing CO2 emissions from traffic.
Wouter, managing director of Infra and also COO of Iv, would be delighted to discuss this with you! Get in touch via +31 88 943 3200 or send a message.