Hydrogen offers opportunities to meet the challenges of the energy transition, especially for the industrial sector. Hydrogen can be produced in many places around the world. But the real challenge lies in getting it where it needs to be. When hydrogen is transported from A to B, much energy is lost along the way. But solutions are in the making. Iv is also working on these solutions. As in the offshore wind sector, we have also been involved in early market developments in the hydrogen market.
We are working on solutions to produce green hydrogen at sea by converting wind energy into hydrogen. Hydrogen can be injected and transported through an existing offshore natural gas network. There is, therefore, no immediate need for new pipelines to transport the energy generated at sea to shore. This solution offers the opportunity to use existing platforms for offshore hydrogen production. We have also developed technology for the decentralised production of green hydrogen from ammonia. Our technology enables hydrogen to be produced closer to the end user, such as industry, inland shipping, transport companies or filling stations. As a result, the need for HGV transport is eliminated, thus contributing to a sustainable energy transition.
The development of green hydrogen is in full swing. In the Netherlands alone, there are hundreds of pilot projects, FEED studies and small-scale projects for the production and transport of hydrogen. Larger hydrogen projects are also being launched. A major role in this development is reserved for engineers. And thus also for Iv. A hydrogen future requires an integral approach. Iv provides this approach with the highest quality and specialist expertise from a wide range of markets.
Iv works worldwide on unique projects that are of great importance to society. From offshore wind platforms, unique bridges and the world’s largest lock gates to buildings, factories, water treatment plants, container cranes and more. We deliver workable solutions of the highest quality for issues of all sizes and complexities.
Fedor, managing director Offshore & Energy and also COO of Iv, would be delighted to discuss this with you! Get in touch via +31 88 943 3300 or send a message.