Helwin Beta

Helwin Beta

The project

The HVDC (High-Voltage Direct Current) converter substation HelWin beta has been installed in the German part of the North Sea at a water depth of 23 metres. The station collects electricity generated by offshore wind turbines. Iv produced the topside design and workshop drawings and took care of the procurement of the non-high-voltage related equipment.

The challenge

The distance from the platform to the receiving station in Büttel is 130 kilometres, where the grid connection is also located. To minimise energy loss in the chain, the electricity collected has to be converted from 33 kV AC to 320 kV DC.

The impact

The HelWin beta HVDC converter substation has a maximum capacity of 680 MW, enough to supply around 750,000 households. By reducing energy losses in the chain, this project contributes to more efficient energy transmission and increased reliability of energy supply.

Curious about the possibilities for your project?

Fedor, managing director of Offshore & Energy/Infra and also COO of Iv, would be delighted to discuss this with you! Get in touch via +31 88 943 3300 or send a message.

Send Fedor a message
Fedor van Veen