RAMS-management Sluiskiltunnel

RAMS-management tunnel

The project

At the Delft-Schiedam section, the A4 has been extended to improve mobility in the area. On behalf of the contractor combination A4all, Iv contributed to the design and provided integral RAMS management. These RAMS activities related to the civil parts, road infrastructure, and tunnel technical installations. Our work included verifying the entire design against the (strict) reliability and availability requirements, optimising maintainability and maintenance in close collaboration with the construction and maintenance team, ensuring safety by verifying the previously prepared QRA (quantitative risk analysis), and conducting additional safety analyses (HAZOPs).

The challenge

An important part of the RAMS management support was aligning the RAMS analyses and related design and maintenance choices with the project team, project management, the Rijkswaterstaat project team, the National Tunnel Director (LTR), and the Safety Officer with a view to the opening permit. Initially, the RAMS requirements and failure definitions were further derived and divided over the civil parts and the Logical Function Fulfillers (LFVs). Together with the designers, FMECA (Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis) was performed for all LFVs, and fault trees were drawn up for the components that contribute to the availability of the infrastructure.

The impact

Based on supplier information and generic RAM data, the fault trees were quantified, and the reliability and availability requirements were demonstrated. Additionally, Iv conducted (HAZOP) analyses to quantify the probabilities of human error, the occurrence of external events, and the failure of the (many) software systems using TOPAAS analyses. In terms of safety, Iv verified the failure probabilities for the various Safety Critical Functions (VKFs). Optimal inspection and test intervals and the necessary spare parts for the post-delivery period were also determined in consultation with the construction and maintenance team. With this RAMS management support, Iv contributed to ensuring optimal reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety of the civil structures, infrastructure, and installations.

Curious about the possibilities for your project?

Wouter, managing director Infra and also COO of Iv, would be delighted to discuss this with you! Get in touch via +31 88 943 3200 or send a message.

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Wouter van der Wiel